Make Direct Mail Work For You

1. Find the Right People
Who’s your customer? What do you know about them? Income, Profession, Lifestyle? As much data as you can gather, the better your list will be. Homegrown lists  are the best, and take time.

2. Use Color!
Full Color produces a 45% increase in response rates.

3. Be Interactive
Customers make a subconscious judgement of a piece within 90 seconds of viewing it. A thoughtful, unique design can get their attention, and a clear message can hold it. Try unusual sizes, finishes, and paper

4. Personalize It, Mary
Personalization, and variable data (VDP), not only help grab a person’s attention, but can be used to create a more relevant piece for them.

5. Make It Useful
Marketing is 80% information, 20% selling.
56% of people welcome mail that gives them useful information.

6. Make It Rewarding
62% of people welcome mail that tells them about an offer.
70% of people welcome mail that rewards their loyalty.

7. Supplement It
45% in response rates when print is combined with e-mail, web & mobile.

8. Send, Repeat
Cost Per Lead drops and Response Rates increase the more times you send. Don’t expect all the results after just one mailing. Plan out a series of mailings that build on each other, and stick with it.

9. Follow Up!
80% of sales are made on the 5th to 12th contact.